From Malta with love… of books!

Infomediaworks Limited • December 1, 2022

The Malta Book Festival is the foremost book celebration in the country’s cultural calendar. Annually, the MBF boasts an attendance rate of 40,000 visitors, the participation of more than 40 exhibitors, and offers extensive networking opportunities for industry professionals.

The book Festival begins with the opening ceremony on the evening of Tuesday 22. The event which is running for the second year at the famous Malta Fairs and Convention Centre (MFCC), Ta’ Qali, is opening its doors to the public over five days from Wednesday November 23, till Sunday November 27.

The festival’s events are being organised by the National Book Council in collaboration with participating publishers, authors, booksellers, student associations, NGOs and government agencies.

At the core of the 2022 festival will be a record number of 50 exhibitors, who are all linked to the book industry and many of whom are organising numerous events populating the festival programme. Infomediaworks are participating as an exhibitor (Stand Number 13).

At the Book Festival (Nov 23 – 27, 2022)

Malta Book Festival (MBF) rolls off on a high on Wednesday morning. But not the high roller kickstart that you’d expect with a trading frenzy. Rather, it’s the fact that the mornings of Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays should witness attendance by school children of all ages. And how they besiege the fair grounds on Wednesday albeit in an orderly fashion and accompanied by teachers and appropriate adults.

Two highlights here. No doubt we continue to witness the unfortunate decline in reading for pleasure. And it would seem that worried observers are keen and are in unison on the need to arrest the insidious decline.

More so, if the intent to sustain and improve upon reading for pleasure should be a genuine pursuit, it needs be vigorously pursued and must involve the younger generations.

On another note, and an interesting one at that: the ‘domineering presence’ of these children in Malta during the morning sessions is hugely symbolic - they hold the purchasing power. Each of the registered pupils is armed with a €5 voucher to purchase a reading material of their choice! 

So, the children’s got the (spending) power. What a way to involve them and encourage a generation whose attention is fiercely competed for by the ever-widening influence of smart tech, games and multimedia entertainment.


We entered, we took part, and we came back better enriched as industry professionals.

Great feelings coming from the fulfilment of being a part of this successful trade event that re-emphasises the place of all stakeholders in the book trade as cultural gatekeepers of reading and the acquisition of knowledge.

Here’s appreciating all those who made us feel welcome, those who stopped by to inquire about our authors and their writing inspirations, and those who took copies home with them.

Bring on the Malta Book Festival 2023.

We shall be back, again!


Dħalna, ħadna sehem, u erġajna mogħnijin aħjar bħala professjonisti tal-industrija.

Sentimenti kbar ġejjin mit-twettiq li tkun parti minn avveniment kummerċjali ta 'suċċess li jerġa' jenfasizza l-post tal-partijiet interessati kollha fil-kummerċ tal-kotba bħala gwardjani kulturali tal-qari u l-akkwist tal-għarfien.

Hawn napprezzaw lil dawk kollha li għamilna nħossuna milqugħa, lil dawk li waqfu biex jistaqsu dwar l-awturi tagħna u l-ispirazzjonijiet tal-kitba tagħhom, u dawk ħadu kopji d-dar magħhom.

Ġib il-Malta Book Festival 2023.

Se nkunu lura, għal darb'oħra!

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